Central jails in Tamil Nadu have come together to deal with the shortage of masks in the state. After procuring raw material, the prison department
Corona Jail Diary: Honoring prisons
May 2, 2020 | गहरे अंधेरे में कहीं कोई रौशनी है। किसी बंद दरवाजे के पार कोई प्यास। एक खलिश है जो खींच ले जाती
Corona Jail Diary: West Bengal
Eight correctional homes in the state of West Bengal have been earmarked where a section of inmates are making masks for more than 25,000 inmates
Corona Jail Diary: Telangana
The prisons in Hyderabad are making masks and sanitisers on a daily basis. These inmates were trained by a group of chemists to learn the art
Corona Jail Diary: Gujarat
Ahmedabad, Rajkot and Vadodara central jails in Gujarat have made a record number of more than 87,000 masks and have given them to government offices,
Corona, Jail and Telephone : Madhya Pradesh: Research: Tinka Tinka
Inmates go gaga with Telephones in Madhya Pradesh Jails 100 new phones introduced Usage more than double Research included 8 major jails of MP Telephones
Corona Jail Diary: Kerala
The Kerala government has come up with a unique way to deal with the mask shortage. The CPI(M) government in Kerala has deployed convicted inmates in state
Corona Jail Diary: Central Jail, Kapurthala, Punjab
This jail was made in the year 1884 as Sub Jail. Later on in 1983, it was upgraded as District Jail and in 2015, as Central
Corona Jail Diary: Saluting the jail warriors
आज देश की सभी जेलों को सलाम। इस समय सारी दुनिया जेल में है। पहले भी थी। तब अंदाजा न था। तिनके नहीं दिखते। कोरोना
Corona Jail Diary: Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh
जिला कारागार सोनभद्र की शुरुआत 27 अक्तूबर 2016 को हुई । हालांकि यह कारागार 10 साल पहले ही बनकर तैयार हो गई थी लेकिन नक्सली क्षेत्र में पहाड़ों और जंगल के बीच