Date of Inauguration: 29 April, 2021
The Journey: The Tinka Tinka Foundation (TTF) introduced prison radios in Haryana jails in 2020, carrying out the initiative in four phases. Specifically, during the second phase, TTF selected the district jails of Rohtak, Karnal, Gurugram, and Central Jail Hisar 1 for the implementation of the program.
Capacity of District Jail, Karnal: District Jail in Karnal is designed to accommodate up to 2,434 inmates. Currently, it hosts an average of nearly 2,050 inmates, including 60 women. Present jail building was constructed in 2004.
Tinka Jail Radio Training: In the second phase of jail radio training, 26 jail inmates were chosen and trained as radio jockeys, including five women, one transgender and two MBBS doctors. Out of these, 5 women inmates were lodged in District Jail, Karnal.
Model: Tinka Model of Prison Radio
Tinka Prison Research Cell: Translation: “ I am RJ Sonia from Karnal Jail. When the jail radio commenced its broadcast, the feeling of loneliness reduced remarkably. The walls of the prison also turned lively. When I had no one to support me, radio became my solace and a friend. It was the new hope amidst despair. Today, I am extremely happy to be part of Tinka jail radio. “ Sonia Chowdhary: LINK: Tinka Jail Radio। Ep 85 Promo। Tinka Prison Research Cell। Impact of jail radio in DJ, Karnal (
Special Mention:
- 2024/ 2024: Research: 2024/ 2024: Research: Research conducted by Tinka Prison Research Cell has demonstrated the positive impact of jail radio on the lives of inmates
- 2022: International Representation: Oslo, Norway:2022: International Representation: Oslo, Norway: Tinka Tinka Foundation represented India at the first international prison radio conference in 2022. Dr. Vartika Nanda delivered a comprehensive research paper titled “Prison Radio in India with reference to Tinka Jail Radio.” This conference was organized by Prison Radio International.
- 2022: Journal: Karnal Jail Radio: Tinka Radio ka Bandion per Prabhav aur Unkee Pasand ke Gaane: Gyan Garima Sindhu: July-September, 2022, Volume 75, Pages 6- 12 ISSN: 2321-0443: It is listed in the UGC Care List Journal
- 2021: Award: Sonia, an inmate housed in District Jail Karnal, received the Tinka Tinka Bandini Award in 2021. The award was presented by Shri Arvind Kumar (IPS), DG, Madhya Pradesh Prisons & Correctional Services, and Dr. KLN Rao, ADG Prisons, Gujarat.
- 2021: Award: Uttam Anand, lodged in this jail, was given Tinka Tinka India Award in the painting category in the same year.
Since 2020, both inmates and jail staff have showcased their creativity through Tinka Jail Radio. To date, over 50 inmates have actively participated in these podcasts, contributing to the platform’s diverse range of content. The inmates contribute to podcasts by narrating stories, poems and singing songs.
Glimpse: March, 2021: Episode 11 of Tinka Tinka Jail Radio sheds light on the lives of the inmate RJs at District Jail, Karnal, especially during Holi festivities taking place throughout the country. While Holi celebrations unfold across India, the inmates at District Jail, Karnal, profoundly narrate their stories of celebrating Holi in prison through well-crafted stories, poems and songs.
Tinka Jail Paathshala in DJ, Karnal
District Jail, Karnal: 7 April, 2024: Meeting was held with Deputy Superintendent of Jail Ms. Shailakshi Bhardwaj and selected inmates regarding the progress of the jail radio. The meeting was attended by 10 inmates, including 2 women inmates.
Gratitude: Shri Ranjeett Singh, Jail Minister, Haryana, Shri Rajeev Arora, IAS, ACS, Home & Jail Department, Shri K. Selvaraj, IPS, Director General of Prisons, Haryana, Shri Amit Bhadu, Superintendent, District Jail, Karnal and Ms.Shailakshi Bhardwaj, Deputy Superintendent, District Jail, Karnal.
7 May, 2024: Episode 87: Covered by ABP News
एक कैदी जो जेल से बाहर आने के बावजूद वापस जाकर जीना चाहता है उस कैद की जिंदगी: सजा के 20 साल पूरे होने पर जब मनोज बाहर आए, तो फिर से नौकरी की तलाश की. इस बार भी पढ़ाने की नौकरी मिले, ऐसी उनकी कोशिश थी. एक स्कूल में नौकरी तकरीबन मिल भी गयी.
May, 2024:
अशोक कुमार ने हाल में करनाल जेल में मुलाक़ात के दौरान मुझे बताया, “जेल में आने के बाद मुझे यह समझ नहीं आता था आगे क्या होगा लेकिन रेडियो मेरी जिंदगी का एक बड़ा सहारा बना. तिनका जेल रेडियो ने यह एहसास दिलाया कि जो पत्रकारिता जेल से बाहर मुझसे छूट गई थी, उससे एक नाता अब बन सकता है. रेडियो ने मेरी जिंदगी को मकसद दिया, मुझे एक नई पहचान और जेल में विशेष सम्मान. यह नाता अब न टूटे.”
“I, Ashok Kumar, joined Karnal Jail’s “Muskaan School” in 2019 to help educate fellow inmates. My love for music led to running cultural programs on the jail radio, thanks to encouragement from Deputy Superintendent Mrs. Shailakshi Bharadwaj, who once praised my singing. During COVID-19, when classes stopped, Superintendent Mr. Amit Kumar and Mrs. Bharadwaj guided us to keep education alive through radio. Dr. Vartika Nanda’s jail radio initiative became our lifeline, allowing me to lead 40-minute daily sessions, which earned appreciation from all inmates and made Karnal Jail a model for prison education.”
–Ashok Kumar, inmate
“ जेल में रेडियो आने से शिक्षा के प्रति दिलचस्पी जगी है। समय खुशी से कटता है। रेडियो की आमद से लगा है कि जेल में भी समय का सही उपयोग हो सकता है और यहां पर बंद रहकर भी आगे की पढ़ाई को दिलचस्प तरीके से किया जा सकता है। “
रेडियो जॉकी अशोक, जिला जेल, करनाल
में निरुद्ध एक बंदी।
Episode 11 : Holi and Karnal Jail Radio
Episode 23 : Broadcasting Day: Theme Song: Karnal Jail
Episode 34 : One year of Haryana Jail Radio
Episode 86: Tinka Prison Research Cell। Ashok from District Jail, Karnal
The story of Ashok is heart touching. Equally motivating is the role of Tinka Jail Radio in introducing such tremendous change in the prison atmosphere. One is able to understand that inmates are effectively using Tinka Jail Radio for their higher education, apart from their entertainment and mental well-being. Congratulations to Tinka Tinka Foundation for narrating such unique stories of reformation from jails.
The Impact
Nanda, Vartika (2024) Jail Radio ke zariye Haryana kee Karnal jail mein shiksha ka prasar: Gyan Garima Sindhu: Issue- 83-84: Pages 128-133 has explained in detail the role of jail radio in promoting literacy and education among inmates. Nanda has elaborated that seven basic elements are kept in mind while deciding the radio content. These include careful planning of programming for both illiterates and literates. Jail Radio has proved its potential by motivating inmates to attend their classes regularly and study further. The jail achieved 100% success rate in the class X, XII and Graduation exams in 2021. Major credit for this remarkable success goes to Tinka Jail Radio.
Vishal Chhibbar, Jail Superintendent, District Jail, Karnal: “Initiation of prison radio by Tinka Tinka Foundation ( TTF) is a highly laudable endeavour. It is very useful in the prison atmosphere. Jail premises now echo with music, which reduces the negative emotions and sadness that often surround jails. Prisoners, who were often unmotivated and sad, now feel better and are more cheerful. I believe it is the impact of the holy chanting in the jails that is instilling hope in the prisoners to go through this tough time with an ardent will and a positive outlook on life. ”
Shailakshi Bharadwaj, Deputy Superintendent, District Jail, Karnal: “People troubled by the negative atmosphere of the jails often have no one to share their sorrows with and suffer from extreme hopelessness, which drives them to be suicidal at times. In this very aspect, the jail radio proves to be very effective. It brings immense joy to them when the prisoners listen to their voices and their favourite songs. They are seen singing along with the radio and sometimes even dancing to the tunes. Even if it is for brief moments, the radio helps the prisoners forget the stresses of their cases and pending verdicts and feel relaxed. Some prisoners come to us and say, Madam, it doesn’t feel like a jail. It feels like a wedding festivity. We feel content that, despite living in a prison, some prisoners are able to derive happiness and joy from the jail radio. Prison radio has no other substitute. “
Jasbir Kaur, C.J.M., Karnal: “Prisoners were often seen as being disheartened and troubled over various issues during jail visits. However, after the introduction of the jail radio, the positive effects of music therapy were observed. I noticed that the jail radio led to a decline in stress among inmates and uplifted their mood. There has been a considerable amount of positivity among inmates now. The sound of the holy chanting during jail visits proves to be relaxing not only for the prisoners but also for us. ”
Dr. Ajay Mirdha, Jail Medical Officer, District Jail, Karnal: “Prisons house people who are unable to deal with the obstacles in their lives efficiently. This is why a lot of prisoners suffer from mental health issues like depression and anxiety. The introduction of the jail radio in Karnal Jail has proven to be more effective than medication as it heals people through music therapy. There has been a considerable decline in the number of prisoners suffering from mental health issues. Undoubtedly, jail radio has a significant impact on the mental health of prisoners of all ages.”
Citations & References: Tinka Jail Radio in District Jail, Karnal (Haryana)
- Jail radio is improving mental health of inmates:
बंदी बन जाते हैं RJ, फरमाइश पर बजते हैं गाने! कैदियों की मेंटल हीलिंग कर रहा वर्तिका नंदा का ये यूनीक जेल रेडियो – prisoner becomes RJ songs played on request This unique agra jail radio of Vartika Nanda is doing mental healing of prisoners –
Published: 10 October, 2024: UP Tak - Education through Jail Radio: Impact on Prisoners
An in-depth feature on how Karnal Jail Radio is spreading awareness and education among inmates, encouraging personal growth and positive transformation.
Published: August 22, 2024, Dainik Tribune
Twitter Reference: - Tinka Tinka Jail Radio – Ep 11: Holi and Karnal Jail Radio
Episode discussing celebration of Holi in the Karnal Jail premises and the role of jail radio in fostering harmony and joy among jail inmates.
Published: March 29, 2021
Watch on YouTube: - Tinka Tinka Jail Radio – Ep 23: Broadcasting Day: Theme Song for Karnal Jail
Celebrating Broadcasting Day with a special theme song created for Karnal Jail Radio, reflecting the spirit of hope and rehabilitation.
Published: July 23, 2021
Watch on YouTube: - Tinka Tinka Jail Radio – Ep 34: One Year of Haryana Jail Radio
Marking the first anniversary of Haryana Tinka Jail Radio initiatives, this episode sheds light on its journey, challenges, and impact.
Published: January 16, 2022
Watch on YouTube: - Tinka Tinka Foundation: Prison Heritage and Tinka Prison Bytes
A short feature showcasing the innovative work of Tinka Tinka Foundation in preserving prison heritage through initiatives like Karnal Jail Radio.
Published: March 13, 2024
Watch on YouTube: - Mental Tension Reduction through Jail Radio – Karnal Jail Survey
A study revealing the positive impact of jail radio on reducing stress and improving mental well-being among inmates. This study is part of Tinka Prison Research Cell established in 2021. The cell was inaugurated by Shri K. Selvaraj (IPS), Director General of Prisons, Haryana - करनाल जेल रेडियो: तिनका प्रिजन रिसर्च सेल: एबीपी न्यज: Karnal jail radio/ tinka prison research cell: 24 मई, 2024 Link: Tinka Tinka Jail Radio is becoming the voice of peace and education Opines Vartika Nanda | सुकून और शिक्षा की आवाज बन रहा है तिनका तिनका जेल रेडियो
- Jail radio is improving mental health of inmates:
Platform: ABP Live, Samwaad
Published: Read here
Research Papers:
- 2024: July- September- October-December: Nanda, Vartika: Jail Radio ke zariye Haryana kee Karnal jail mein shiksha ka prasar: Gyan Garima Sindhu: Issue- 83-84: Pages- 128-133: ISSN: 2321-0443: A UGC Care Journal
- 2022: July-September: Nanda, Vartika: Karnal Jail Radio: Tinka Radio ka bandion per prabhav aur unkee pasand ke gaane: Gyan Garima Sindhu: Volume 75, Pages 6- 12 ISSN: 2321-0443: A UGC Care Journal
- Radio in Prison (2024), published by National Book Trust, India has extensive details about the growth and progress of Karnal Jail Radio, specifically mentioning the exceptional work done by some of the inmates.
- Main wall of the women’s jail is painted on the theme of Thee.Hoon..Rahungi…This is the cover of a book written by Vartika Nanda.