
Radio in Prison: Towards New-Age Reform: 2025

Price: Rs 295/-

About the book

Radio in Prison is the first book in India narrating and documenting the birth and growth of prison radio and its impact on the incarcerated population.

This EXCLUSIVE book on prison radio in India takes you to the journey of a meaningful endeavour taken by Dr. Vartika Nanda, Founder, Tinka Tinka Foundation.

Author: Dr. Vartika Nanda 

Publisher: National Book Trust, India

Tinka Tinka Tihar: 2023 & 2013

Price: Rs 399/-

About the book

Tinka Tinka Tihar: Poetry by women inmates of Tihar jail, largest prison in South Asia.

Editors: Dr. Vartika Nanda (prison reformer) & Vimla Mehra (DG, Delhi Prisons) 

Order through google pay:

Tinka Tinka Foundation: 9811201839

Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh: 2018

Price: Rs. 995/-

About the book

Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh has created a milestone by engaging 19 people twelve men, two women, four children lodged with their mothers and a warder (Prahari) from the prisons of Madhya Pradesh.This book was released by Shri Kiren Rijuji, MOS, Home, Government of India 2018 This is the first coffee table book of its kind creating a Rainbow of Hopes in Prisons.

Tinka Tinka Dasna: 2020 & 2016

Price: Rs. 500/-

About the book

लोग अक्सर सोचते हैं कि एक तिनके यानी एक मामूली से कण से किसी को क्या फर्क पढ़ेगा लेकिन जब वही कण एक – एक करके आपस में मिलते हैं, तो एक तस्वीर उभरकर बाहर आती है। तिनका तिनका डासना वही उभरी हुई तस्वीर है। तिनका तिनका डासना में लेखिका लिखती हैं कि इस किताब का उद्देश्य वहां रहने वाले लोगों को उनके दर्द से बाहर निकालकर उन्हें उनके सपनों को सौंपना है।

Tinka Tinka Dasna - English
  • Price: Rs. 500/-
Tinka Tinka Dasna - Hindi (Edition - 1)
  • Price: Rs. 400/-

Tinka Tinka TIhar

Tinka Tinka Tihar - Hindi
  • Price: Rs. 595/-
Tinka Tinka Tihar - English
  • Price: Rs. 595/-
Tinka Tinka Tihar - Marathi
Tinka Tinka Tihar - Tamil
  • Price: Rs.


13 thoughts on “Books

  1. Tinka Tinka and Vartika Nanda have been constantly working towards prison reforms and they have achieved several milestones through Tinka Tinka Tihar, Tinka Tinka Dasna, Tinka Tinka Agra and Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh. Aimed at bringing creativity among the inmates, the Tinka Tinka Dasna song was sung by 13 inmates and was also shot in the Dasna jail. Tinka Tinka Dasna achieved yet another milestone when a wall was painted at the Dasna jail which expresses the stories of inmates through pictures. The unique wall in Dasna jail is first of its kind in any prison in India. Do check out this video for more information about the wall:
    The book Tinka Tinka Dasna is about how the life of five individuals of the Dasna jail changed after entering the prison and how they have searched for new meaning within their changed paradigms.

  2. To promote prison reforms is a human rights argument because no one cares about the inmates . But Thanks to The tinka tinka foundation that has taken the initiative for prison reforms so that the jail inmates get adequate amount human rights and freedom they deserve. Congratulations ma’am on the release of the books.I hope you succeed in doing what you do the best that is being a voice to the prison inmates. You create an aura of love, happiness and hope in their lives. More power to you DR.VARTIKA ma’am #tinkatinkamadhyapradesh #vartikananda

  3. Vartika Nanda has portraited inmate’s life in such a manner that common people like us who judge the prisoners would have a different perspective about their life. Her books give us a broad picture that we need to understand every human has rights to change, hope for the amelioration. Tihar’s book is poetry, that all the books and creative pursuits of Tinka point towards the softer side of prisons. Tihar brought poetry, Tinka Tinka Dansa is a live narration on jail life and Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh is a comparison of Indian jails with colors and real-life images#tinkatinka #Vartikananda

  4. Everyone should have one book on their shelf that doesn’t revolve around conventional non fiction topics, and these books are the perfect , first and one of their kind works, that will give you food for thought. These books, tinka tinka Dasna and Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh are such exemplary works that will give you a full insight into the lives of jail inmates, young and old, males and females. They tell the tale seldom told, and explore a part of the society that is only so often talked of. #tinkatinka #vartikananda #prisonreforms #jailreforms #madhyapradeshjail #dasnajail #indianjails

  5. Tinka Tinka is an umbrella embark on
    to connect prisons.
    For the first time a crime reporter has slingink so inconceivably that is difficult to put in words. The book itself contains a collection of poems centered on the issue of crime against women. Domestic violence in India exist for women. It is very common in india even in modern educated era.. Educated women also victimised due to lack of knowledge , rights more than 70 percent of women silently accept domestic violence. Life of a woman in a prison seems to be very hard and bad. Women also lead a more traumatic life in a prison than a man, since her own family members start to ignore and eventually abandon her after a while.
    We can only imagine how life behind the bars is, but the hell can be a lot
    more worse. Vartika ma’am very sensibly quoted their lives in works which is tremendous. We appreciate your critical thinking around this prison reform initiative.
    When you read these poems, your mind will be full of sorrow and guilt; you will have an image of it for life. Its captivating poems will create a new life in your life. The peom are mesmerising and heart touching.
    #jailmovement #tinkatinkamovement #vartikananda #prisonreform #tinkatinka #jail #womeninmates
    #tinkatinka books

  6. It’s really inspiring to see everything tinka tinka has done to bring change to one of the most inhumane aspects of this country’s administration. Especially the books by tinka, #MadhyaPradesh and #Dasna were really eye opening as to what goes on inside the prisons in the country.
    Tinka Tinka awards 2020 is approaching us, and I really hope to see more participation from people and what is in store for the various awards and positive reinforcement for inmates around the globe.
    #prisonreform #tinkatinkaawards #change #life

  7. Dr Vartika Nanda, the founder of Tinka Tinka and the writer of numerous books, based on prisons is now an outstanding personality. She has written several books related to women power and books on the untold stories of the prisoners. She not only writes the books herself but also encourages the inmates to express their feeling with pen and paper. She is not only an inspiration to the outside world but also an aspiration for the prisoners. #tinkatinka #jailatm #jail #prison #jailreform #prisonreforminindia #jailinmates

  8. Books helps the people to communicate with each other. It is a special link through which we all share our emotions and thoughts. Dr Vartika Nanda has also written various books compiling the poems and paintings of various inmates. Their creativity and enthusiasm to do good deeds for the society is remarkable.. #vartikananda #tinkatinka #jail #prisonreforms

  9. Social reform is not to be secured by noise and shouting; by complaints and denunciation; by the formation of parties, or the making of revolutions; but by the awakening of thought and the progress of ideas. Until there be correct thought, there cannot be right action; and when there is correct thought, right action will follow. This is most appropriate in case of Dr. Vartika Nanda as she is using her creative ideas to bring a hope of light in the lives of prisoners. #vartikananda #tinkatinka #jail #prisonreform

  10. For the audience, it is easy to move on with their lives while forgetting about the impact media trials have on the families involved. In general, it’s disheartening to see the state of inmates who have already completed their due sentence again become part of a vicious cycle of humiliation, suspicion, and social isolation. We don’t make enough effort to hear both sides of a story before jumping to conclusions. Also, the reality of jails in our country, which, contrary to popular belief, are much more humane and accepting towards one another. People need to be sensitive and aware of life in jail. As a progressive society, we must be inclusive of those trying to find their path again after coming out of jail.
    The journey of Tinka Tinka Dasna is a noble step towards giving a voice to prisoners and making society hear their side of the story. The Tinka Tinka book series, authored by Dr. Vartika Nanda, is a crucial source of knowledge and insights into the working of Indian jails and the lives of prisoners. It beautifully incorporates literature with inspiring yet heartbreaking stories of prisoners behind bars. As a reader, it leaves a deep impression and forces us to think about that section of society that is stereotyped into one narrative.
    #mediatrial #TinkaTinka #TinkaTinkaDasna#vartikananda #TinkaTinkaMadhyaPradesh #bookonjail #prisonreformer #dasnajail #prisonlife #jails #jailsinindia #prisonreform #prisonliterature #tinkatinkafoundation

    Tinka Tinka Dasna (Hindi)

    Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh

  11. Tinka Tinka Foundation has actively worked towards spreading positive awareness about the importance of prison reforms. It works towards helping people see prisons in a positive light and look at the lives that are lived inside jails with due respect and sensitivity. The work done by Tinka Tinka foundation is truly commendable.

  12. Tinka Tinka books on prison reforms have created a niche in this domain. Undoubtedly, these books present an authentic version of prison life. We have known about prisons through films and the media which sometimes appear to represent an unreal world. Tinka books have taken us to the world that is lesser known and is challenging. I wish such books would become a part of the curriculum of concerned subjects. It is sad these books are not seen as BEST sellers but what they serve to the society, is beyond words. More power to Tinka Tinka Foundation.

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