
Tinka Jail Radio Podcasts are conceived, scripted, narrated, produced and directed by Dr. Vartika Nanda, Founder of Tinka Tinka Foundation. These podcasts are broadcast on Tinka Tinka YouTube channel and Spotify.  Started in 2020, these podcasts are based on original voices and content from different prisons across India. Inmates participate in these podcasts in multiple ways. They narrate their stories, write and sing songs and raise their concerns on diverse aspects of prison life. Their narratives and experiences range from being a Tinka Radio Jockey to an artist.  Tinka Jail Radio are the only podcasts in India that are dedicated to prisons. These are widely listened to by inmates, former inmates, their families and jail staff.  

Women and children in  Tinka Jail Radio Podcasts: 

Women inmates and their children are an integral part of Tinka Jail Radio podcasts. It is to be noted that the first episode was dedicated to children living in jails with either of their parents. The pivotal center in this episode was Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh, a coffee table book concerning lives in jails. Four children had contributed to this book with their paintings.  These children were living in jail with their mother at the time of the research and publication of the book. The first episode highlighted the plight of such children who have an imprisoned parent. 

       Title: Children in Prisons

       Duration: 4.58 seconds

         Date: 28 November 2020.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6AiKb9NfQs&t=1s

Special Podcasts

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio Episodes : 91-100

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio Episodes : 81-90

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio Episodes : 71-80

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio Episodes : 61-70

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio Episodes : 51-60

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio Episodes : 41-50

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio Episodes : 31-40

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio Episodes : 21-30

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio Episodes : 11-20

Tinka Tinka Jail Radio Episodes : 1-10

26 thoughts on “Podcasts

  1. बहुत ही मार्मिक और भावपूर्ण। तिनका तिनका द्वारा पॉडकास्ट की नई पहल सरहानीय है। उम्मीद है कि भविष्य में भी हमें जेलों के ऊपर और पॉडकास्ट सुनने का मौका मिलेगा।

    1. Very nice initiative by tinka tinka.Would love to know more about positive jail stories. Looking forward to hear the podcasts. All the best!
      #tinkatinka #prison

  2. Incarceration has always been more of a display of power than a chance at redemption for those who’ve done wrong. Especially in recent years, the relapse rate has skyrocketed.
    This effort by Tinka Tinka is especially commendable. One of the first of its kind, bringing the stories and lives of prisoners to the people and giving them the chance to share their story.
    I look forward to more episodes of the podcast
    #tinkatinka #prisonradio #pmo #change #paradigmshift #loveforlove

  3. Tinka tinka is doing a wonderful job and now again a great start of podcast. Would love to know more about jail stories and also Tinka Tinka Madhya pradesh book. All the best!
    #TinkaTinka #jail #prison #reforms #Vartikananda

  4. Woah! It’s a great initiative by #tinkatinka to take a step forward towards communicating their message to people through podcast. We have always seen tinka tinka movement through the medium of videos or read posts, but now it will reach people through Dr. Vartika Nanda ma’am’s voice. Looking forward to know more about Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh book along with positive jail stories.
    Long way to go! #tinkatinkamovement 🙌
    #jail #reforms #prison #Vartikananda #humanrights

  5. Happy to hear that Tinka Tinka movement is taking a step forward towards podcast. Now would be able to hear jail stories and know more about Tinka Tinka Madhya pradesh book.
    #Tinkatinka #prison #reforms #jail #vartikananda

  6. जेलों की बात अब आवाज़ों के साथ। यह नई पहल है, जिसकी जितनी तारीफ की जाए कम ही रहेगी। वैसे तो जेलों की बात जेलों के बाहर आ नहीं पातीं, लेकिन हमारे ही सामज से डॉक्टर वर्तिका नन्दा मैम जैसे लोग उठते हैं और मेहनत कर जेलों में सुधार लाने के लिए अपना जीवन खपा देते हैं। हमारा भी कर्तव्य बनता है कि कम से कम हम उन बदलाव की कहानियों को सुनें और सुनाएं। ताकी समाज में जेलों के प्रति जो नकारात्मक तसवीर बनी हैं, वह बदल सके। मेरी तिनका तिनका से विशेष गुज़ारिश रहेगी कि आप अगर हो सके तो तिनका तिनका मध्य प्रदेश के किस्सों को हमें सुनाएं। धन्यवाद।

  7. Really a great initiative, and a good step to spread some positivity around people. All the best and really looking forward to the podcast and more from #tinkatinka foundation.

  8. Tinka tinka is spreading positivity of jail through podcast is commendable job. Long way to go tinka tinka. Kudos to vartika maam.

  9. #tinkatinka have taken a great initiative, and a good step to spread some positivity around people. Looking forward to know more about Tinka Tinka MP book along with positive jail stories.

  10. तिनका तिनका द्वारा पॉडकास्ट की पहल। वाह। यह बहुत रोमांचक होने वाला है। उम्मीद है अब हम जेलों की और कई सकारात्मक कहानियां सुन सकेंगे। डॉक्टर नन्दा मैम जेलों की जो अनसुनी कहानियां बाहर लाने की कोशिश कर रही हैं, वह सरहानीय बात है। आपको साधुवाद।
    #tinkatinka #prisonreforms

  11. Congratulations Tinka Tinka. All the best for the new beginnings. Looking forward to more episodes and know more about stories of prisoners. #tinkatinka

  12. A wonderful initiative by #tinkatinka to spread awareness about the less common and lesser known aspects of jail stories. Reaching to the people through podcasts and spreading awareness about jail stories is huge step. I wish all my luck to this great step. Loking forward to know more about Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh book along with the postive jail stories.
    #jail #stories #prison #reforms #positivity #humanrights

  13. This podcast is yet another significant step by Tinka Tinka and Vartika ma’am which very well acts like a channel between the world outside and inside the prison.The podcast not only merely conveys the instance verbally but actually takes the listener to an emotional journey from feeling the innocence of the child visible in his smile to understanding the pain of the mother and her worries for her child..
    #tinkatinka #prisonreforms

  14. इस पॉडकास्ट को आँख बंद करके सुन रहा हूँ …. ऐसा लग रहा है कि इसका एक-एक शब्द कानों के रास्ते दिल के नाज़ुक हिस्से में पहुँच रहा है I पूरा दृश्य जैसे सामने घटित हो रहा हो, वो महिला, उसका बच्चा जैसे सामने खड़ा हो, और उनकी हंसी….. I उन सबकी अलग-अलग छवियाँ दिमाग में आ रही हैं, सब जैसे प्रश्नवाचक नज़रों से समाज से प्रश्न कर रहे हों I पूरा समाज जो स्वयं को संवेदनशील कहता है, जिसमें हम सब जी रहे हैं, कभी जेलों को इस रूप में कभी समझ ही नहीं पाए I तिनके की यह तिनके भर कोशिश अगर हममें इनके बारे में हमारी सोच में तिनके भर भी बदलाव ला पाई तो आपके माध्यम से समाज में एक नई जागृति और बदलाव की शुरुआत होगी I
    जब काम पूरे मन, लगन और संवेदना के साथ किया जाता है तो उसके हर कदम में पवित्रता झलकती है I इस संदेश की आवाज़ सच्चाई और ईमानदारी का दस्तावेज है I आप तिनके के माध्यम से उन स्याह कोनों में रंग भरने की कोशिश कर रही हैं, जिन्होंने इन रंगों को कभी देखा ही नहीं I आपके इस पवित्र प्रयास को नमन I अगले पॉडकास्ट का इंतज़ार रहेगा……….

  15. ” تنکا – تنکا ” وہ ہیں جس نے جیل میں رہنے والے بندیوں کی زندگی کے ایک – ایک تنکے کو آپس میں سمیٹ کے اسے ایک تصویر کی مانند ابھار کر اُن بندیوں کو زندگی میں ایک مقصد دیا ۔ تنکا – تنکا وہ ہے جس نے بندیوں کا ہاتھ پکڑا اور اُنہیں اندھیرا سے نکل کر روشنی سے اُن کی ملاقات کرائی۔ تنکا – تنکا بندیوں کو زندگی کی وہ اُمید کی کرن ہے۔ جس نے اُنہیں باہر کی دنیا کے لوگوں کی طرح سپنا دیکھنا سکھایا بھی اور اسے پورا کرنے کا راستہ بھی دکھایا۔ تنکا تنکا کی مدد سے جیل کے بندی اپنی اڑان بھرتے ہیں اور سب کو پیچھے چھوڑ دیتے ہیں تو اُنھیں ” تنکا – ٹنک آوارڈ ” سے نوازا جاتا ہے۔ جس کا مقصد بندیوں کی زندگی میں جوش – و – خروش اور اُمنگ پیدا کرنا ہوتا ہے تاکہ وہ مستقبل میں بھی اپنے خواب کوجی پائے اور اسے محسوس کر پائے۔جیل کے اندر ٹنکا ٹنکا پوڈ کاسٹ کی پہل ٹنکا ٹنکا کی ایسے ہی کی جانے والی عمدہ کوششوں میں بےحد کارآمد ثابت ہو سکتی ہے ۔

    # Tinkatinka # vartikananda # prisonreforms # humanrights # jails #prisons
    #تنکا تنکا # ورتکا نندا # پریسنز ریفارمز # ہیومن رائٹس # جیلس # پريسنز

    1. All the best to tinka tinka…and also a big congratulations for this great initiative. Zadatr hme jailon ki negative thoughts, views, and news hi sun ne milti hai….bt tinka tinka podcasts hme wo positive and motivating kahaniyan suna rha hai jo aksr jailon mai bnd reh jaati hain….every podcast is spreading more and more positivity in our minds and thoughts too…..

      #tinkatinkaawards #tinkatinkapodcasts #vartikananda #tinkatinka #positivity

  16. Dr Vartika Nanda, the founder of Tinka Tinka Foundation has been a marvellous example to keep going no matter what happens. She has written many books on prisons and women. She has shown that nothing is impossible even if it’s prisons. Prisons and jails were the most outcasted topic but Dr Vartika Nanda has applied numerous efforts to make the lives of the prisoners in jails better.
    #tinkatinka #jail #tinkatinkaprison #prison #prisonreforms #vartikananda

  17. Tinka Tinka is doing a great job. Reaching to the people through podcasts and spreading awareness about jail stories is a great step. Would love to know more about positive jail stories. Looking forward to hearing the podcast
    great initiative, best of luck
    #tinkatinka #jail #tinkatinkaprison #prison #prisonreforms #vartikananda

  18. The conception of jail radio has envisioned as a movement that would act as a bridge between the prisons the world in itself. This heart-warming thoughts shall be shared through their own radio among prison officers and inmates. Tinka tinka is working on contemplating ways of treating inmates to revive their talents and open up in front of their own society. Congratulations Dr vartika Nanda #tinkatinka#prisonradio #prisonreforms#vartikananda
    #tinkaatm #jail #prisons

  19. Through Tinka Tinka Jail News, the organisation is bringing attention to many novel issues like prisons in the time of corona, mental health of inmates, prison hospitals, education in prisons etc. I recommend everyone to check out Tinka Tinka Jail News on their youtube channel (tinkatinkaprisonreforms). Tinka Tinka is bringing attention to the public, how the pandemic is affecting prisons, something that most people I am sure never thought about. This not only shows the ingenuity of the prison administration to cope quickly with the challenges posed by the pandemic but also the cooperation of inmates, how they in their small way are helping by not further spreading the virus by not going out on parole. #prisonreforms #news #corona #tinkatinka
    #news #jail #tinkatinka #prisonreforms

  20. Former President of India Dr Rajendra Prasad wrote: “ A poet interprets and lays bare the human heart and mind to his less gifted brothers and sisters , enabling them to see and know man’s finer self at close quarters. His words do not die and he is loved and lives in man’s memory. Here I will like to relate the poet to Dr Vartika Nanda as she is also working for the inmates behind the bars. Her sole efforts will definitely bring a big reform.#tinkatinka#prisonradio #prisonreforms#vartikananda
    #tinkaatm #jail #prisons

  21. Jail radio is a unique conceptbrought in the jails of Haryana. An inmate as Radio Jockey in front of microphone and other inmates listening the broad cast through speakers in their barracks is like a dream , But this was brought in reality by prison reformer and Founder of Tinka Tinka Foundation Dr. Vartika Nanda who heads the Department of Journalism in Lady Shri Ram College , University of Delhi. Her efforts towards the welfare of inmates is praise worthy. #vartikananda #tinkatinka #jails #prison reforms

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