Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh


Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh has created a milestone by engaging 19 people – twelve men, two women, four children (lodged with their mothers), and a warder (Prahari)– from the prisons of Madhya PradeshThis book was released by Shri Kiren Rijuji, MOS, Home, Government of India in 2018. This is the first book of its kind which engages souls in prisons and helps them create a rainbow of hopes Written by India’s prison reformer and media educator Dr. Vartika Nanda, this book is a must read for all those who want to understand life in prison through a creative lens.

Like in Tihar and Dasna, special wall murals were created in the jails of Bhopal and Satna during the project. 

Book Release: Kiren Rijuji, MOS, Home, Government of India: 2018


Click on pic to see in full screen view


Many of us hold this bias towards prison inmates and feel they’re better in isolation than being out in the world. There’s this pre-conceived notion when it comes to this margin of the society. However, the main objective of prisons is to rehabilitate and to bring the offenders back to the mainstream of the society. 

Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh is the third book in the series of books published on prisons in India. It is dedicated solely to the children who live in prisons, how their life is away from the normative childhood yet they find something to hold onto and build upon that. An interesting fact to know is that these children were born in the prison itself, which makes their story distinct from others. 

The first two books were ‘Tinka Tinka Tihar’ and  ‘Tinka Tinka Dasna’. They present a collection of poems by the woman inmates of Tihar jail and, the second book revolves around 5 inmates who have been sentenced for their entire life respectively. The trilogy is presented in such a way, wherein the expression of the personal experiences of the inmates are true to the words penned down by the author, Dr. Vartika Nanda. 

Prison Reformist, Journalist, Media Educater, Stree Shakti Puraskar Awardee, the highest civilian honour for women empowerment in India and the founder of Tinka Tinka Foundation, Dr. Nanda has once again done justice to the prison inmates by her words. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh encompasses various aspects of this not-so-talked-about ‘lives in prison’. The narrative scheme throughout the book intrigues the reader in such a way that you can’t leave the book without finishing it. The beauty lies in the words, in the stories and in the minute details which engages the reader in a conversation with the author and with the inmates.

Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh makes a bold move and takes forward the Prison Reforms Movement as envisioned by the author. It proves to stand out of the mainstream and succeeds in bringing about change in the attitude that people hold towards the lives of these inmates. 

– Devanshi Ranjan

Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh: Exclusive interview: Kalam: Jodhpur, Rajasthan: 2018

2018: Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh: Exclusive interview: Kalam: Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh: 2018
Exclusive Talk: Pune, Maharashtra: 2018
Image Gallery: Agra, Uttar Pradesh: 2018

References and Citations: Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh


  1. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh। Children in Prisons।Tinka Tinka Foundation। Vartika Nanda| Year 2018। Book on Jail |Prison Reforms|Literature| Promo https://youtu.be/p89OO6NWsHQ?si=RZUA_QZT9YTsQLDe
  2. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh। Book on jails।Year 2018 ।Tinka Tinka Foundation। Vartika Nanda| Prison Reforms | https://youtu.be/ikeEmwXXWek?si=FTX9MV0MUVZgj_UX
  3. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh। Year 2018। Book on Jail। Vartika Nanda। Tinka Tinka Foundation|Prison Reforms|Literature| https://youtu.be/N79xvfmKJ6A?si=6W5NmziflyV9iiGK
  4. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh। Book on jails।Year 2018 ।Tinka Tinka Foundation। Vartika Nanda| Prison Reforms|Literature| https://youtu.be/ikeEmwXXWek?si=qerw-H6X3T-2Zf3p
  5. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh। Book on jails।Year 2018 ।Tinka Tinka Foundation। Vartika Nanda| Prison Reforms|Literature| Promo | https://youtu.be/FaEoEBl3zFM?si=mpeXMWd5a2I2YRjE
  6. Tinka Tinka Foundation|Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh: Book from the prisons: तिनका तिनका मध्य प्रदेश: वर्तिका नन्दा । Tinka Tinka Foundation|Prison Reforms|Literature| Promo| https://youtu.be/kzxFcBgJcUU?si=w5kQb9V4ErQDw0b1
  7. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh। Book on jails।Year 2018 ।Tinka Tinka Foundation। Vartika Nanda| Prison Reforms|Literature| https://youtu.be/8Itts1uJwsk?si=Du2gS6Mglx7dBcqM
  8. Tinka Tinka Foundation| Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh: Wall in a Prison । 2017-2018। Vartika Nanda | Prison Reforms|Art | https://youtu.be/hvNbl4xfNmM?si=lbaF2nBj3Miu9tFm
  9. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh। Tinka Tinka Foundation। Vartika Nanda| Prison Reforms| Tinka Tinka Jail News: Lockdown stories: Madhya Pradesh https://youtu.be/Kl1Nl_xrISE?si=QI2v7oHg_SSRUhdi
  10. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh। Vartika Nanda। Tinka Tinka Foundation| Tinka Tinka Jail: Lockdown stories: Madhya Pradesh | https://youtu.be/X7pnT701eW8?si=a9-90RozDd_6-3j1
  11. Tinka Tinka Foundation|Book on Jail। Vartika Nanda।Prison Reforms|Literature| Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh: In Urdu|https://youtu.be/LdHf8e2sUps?si=V8covjjuAD_vLVIr

In Press:

  1. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh |Tinka Tinka Foundation। Vartika Nanda|NDTV India| November 13 2018 |The first coffee table book on creativity in jails ‘Tinka-Tinka Madhya Pradesh’ released|Prison Reforms| https://ndtv.in/literature/release-of-first-coffee-table-book-tinka-tinka-madhya-pradesh-on-creativity-in-prisons-1946323
  2. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh |Tinka Tinka Foundation। Vartika Nanda| Youth Ki Awaaz| March 26 2020| Prison Reforms| Through The Prisoner’s Prism: A Review of “Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh”| https://www.youthkiawaaz.com/2020/03/through-the-prisoners-prism-a-review-of-tinka-tinka-madhya-pradesh/
  3. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh |Tinka Tinka Foundation। Vartika Nanda|NBT Navbharat Times| November 11 2018 |’Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh’ Taxing The Positive And Constructive Side Of The Prison|Prison Reforms| https://navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/india/tinka-tinka-madhya-pradesh-taxing-the-positive-and-constructive-side-of-the-prison/articleshow/66577852.cms
  4. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh |Tinka Tinka Foundation। Vartika Nanda|Dainik Bhaskar|’Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh Release|Prison Reforms| https://www.bhaskar.com/news/release-of-39tinka-tanka-madhya-pradesh39-021004-3170641.html
  5. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh |Tinka Tinka Foundation। Vartika Nanda|Dainik Bhaskar|The release of first coffee rable book : Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh Release|Prison Reforms| Literature| https://www.bhaskar.com/mp/bhopal/news/mp-news-the-release-of-the-first-coffee-table-book-quottinka-tinka-madhya-pradeshquot-on-creativity-in-jails-022056-4000795.html

27 thoughts on “Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh

  1. The books written by Vartika Nanda on prisons reforms and on the lives of prison inmates were really amazing. After reading these books I felt that I personally attached with the feelings of inmates and this make me to understand them in a better manner. These books provide me a depth understanding about the lives of the prisoners. This is the unique and great work done by the ” Tinka Tinka Foundation “. Each one of the book reflect the different shades and different story about the lives of inmates which based on the realities. As being a learner , it is important for us to read such a greatful stories. Which helps us to understand the every single aspects of prisons and the feelings of prisoners. Tinka Tinka is doing a great job towards the prison reforms and I hope Tinka Tinka will do these work in future as well or even do more.
    #tinkatinka #vartikananda #prisonreforms #humanrights #jails #prisons

  2. Vartika Nanda has portraited inmate’s life in such a manner that common people like us who judge the prisoners would have a different perspective about their life. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh is the first book of its kind which engages souls in prisons and helps them create a rainbow of hopes. Like in Tihar and Dasna, special wall murals were created in the jails of Bhopal and Satna during the project. #tinkatinka #vartikananda

  3. The tinka tinka founation is doing a very noble job in prision reforms and helping with the feelings and emotions of the prisoners and make sure they get basic human rights, best wishes to this foundation. An amazing concept performed with great precision and perfection; and above all a selfless expression of a genuine societal concern! Your uneasiness towards the inmates , their sufferings is remarkable. Tinka Tinka is a wonderful concept.
    #vartikananda #tinkatinka #prisoreforms #tinkamovement

  4. Congratulations ma’am for coming so far ahead in your journey and reaching so many milestones. She started his work with a small ray of light and has gone so far today. It is only possible through her hard work and dedication. Tinka Tinka foundation have served as rainbow colour and made the lives of prisoners much better today; letting them participating in various activities. This initiative is unique and one of it’s kind.
    The Tinka Tinka books come forward with the prison reform which no one have ever talked about. These books deeply expresses their each and every emotions. Their helplessness, loneliness, sorrow and pain behind the bars is quoted in such a mesmerising way which is beyond the shadow of doubt. To make it more artistic creative paintings and amazing photographs were added that works as an eye opener.
    I can surely say this book will turn you into a bibliophile by it’s intense and unique storylines.
    Ma’am you have been an inspiration for the youth generation. Your tremendous hardwork and determination have encouraged us to start something good for society.

  5. Alot of literature and many texts based on crime as well as jails are available to us, even a few that are written by jail inmates. What stands out amongst these is the book Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh, a part of the Tinka tinka book trilogy, which is a novel coffee table book reflecting the lives of 19 inmates of jails including 4 children. It allows you to delve into the world of jails and leaves you with food for thought. #tinkatinka #vartikananda #prisonreforms #jailreforms #humanrights #tinkatinkamadhyapradesh #books

  6. Congratulating Tinka tinka foundation, brainchild of Dr Vartika Nanda ma’am, for its noteworthy efforts in trying constantly not only to reform the lives of prisoners but also to break all the prejudices and stigma about inmates in the society. The Tinka Tinka Trilogy (consisting tinka tinka dasna, tinka tinka tihar and tinka tinka madhya pradesh) is trying to showcase the creativity of inmates like poems written by them, describe the feelings, emotions and personal experiences of inmates. After reading these books, one will definitely change their perspective towards inmates. Through these books tinka tinka is also trying to build self confidence and encourage inmates by boosting their creativity. These are the actual reforms needed to be done in prisons. Awarding mere punishment in jails changes nothing. The real progress is when the ideology of inmates is turned to good. Best wishes to tinka tinka and vartika ma’am to bring many more such reforms and work for the betterment of inmates as well as society. #vartikananda #tinkaprisonreforms #jails #humanrights #tinkatinka

  7. वो लोग यह ज्यादा महसूस कर सकते हैं, जिनके पिताजी या माँ सरकारी नौकरियों में रहें हो और उन्हें हर कुछ सालों के बाद अपने सारे दोस्त जिन्हें उन्होंने अपने स्कूल में बनाया था, छोड़ कर नये शहर जाना पड़ता था और वो दोस्त सिर्फ यादों में रह जाते थे।
    जेलों में बंद कुछ आघोसित अपराधी है जिनकी ज़िंदगी मे दोस्त बनते तो है, पर कुछ वक्त के बाद बिछड़ जाते है और रह जाती है तो बस उनकी यादें।
    ऐसे ही चार बच्चों की कहानी कह रही है, वर्तिका नंदा जी अपने तिनका तिनका जेल रेडियो के माध्यम से। एक बच्चा, जो तिनका तिनका मध्यप्रदेश पुस्तक में बनी अपनी तस्वीर देखता है, और अपने साथियों को अपनी बनाई हुई तस्वीर बड़ी खुशी से बताता है की कैसे उसने अपने दोस्तों के साथ मिलकर इस पुस्तक में रंग भरे थे। परंतु दूसरे ही वक़्त वह बच्चा बड़ी बेताबी से वर्तिका नंदा जी से अपने बाकी के साथियों के बारे में पूछता है, जिसका जबाब देना शायद उचीत नहीं था की वह एक अधोषित कैदी है और बाकी अपनी आयु की सीमा लांघ के जेल से बाहर जा चुके है। शायद, ऐसे ही कई सवाल पूरे देश मे रह रहे, 1800 बच्चों के मन मे भी होंगे। और, उससे ज्यादा बड़े सवाल उन माँ और बाप के मन मे होंगे कि जब उनके बच्चे आयु की सीमा लांघ कर जेल से बाहर निकलेंगे तब उनका भविष्य कैसा होगा? क्योंकि, कइयों के तो रिस्तेदारों ने भी उनसे जेल में आकर मिलना छोड़ दिया।
    #tinka_tinka #vartika_nanda

  8. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh is a book in all aspects. 12 men , 2 women and 4 children lodged inside with their mothers and one Praheri made special contribution in the making of this book. Tinka Tinka Founadation is working for the upliftment of the inmates. The creativity is the brain child of Dr Vartika Nanda. #tinkatinka #jailatm #jail #prison #jailreform #prisonreforminindia #jailinmates

  9. Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh created a milestone by engaging 19 people twelve men, two women, four children lodged with their mothers and a warder (Prahari) from the prisons of Madhya Pradesh. These three books Tinka Tinka Tihar, Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh, Tinka Dasna written and compiled by Vartika ma’am gives a true representation of life inside prisons. Instead of sensationalizing, she has written about the true and lived experiences of inmates and even their children who unfortunately are also lodged inside prisons. She brings a softer side to inmates who are sad because they can’t meet their families, but even the smallest of things gives them joy like music, dancing, painting, etc. #tinkatinka #tinkamodelofprisonreforms #vartikananda #madhyapradesh #books

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  16. This book is a life changer. I never thought I would feel any different about prison and prisoners but this book has totally changed that. The book very beautifully expresses each and every emotions of the inmates. While reading, I could feel their helplessness and pain. The reality of small children staying in prisons with their mothers without any crime just broke my heart. That made me realise that our country really needs prison reforms and Tinka Tinka is everything the country needs in that aspect. Kudos to Dr. Vartika Nanda for beautifully describing the vulnerable side of the inmates and showing them as humans who have feelings and emotions and not as emotionless criminals.
    #vartikananda #tinkatinka #prisonreform #jaillife #childreninjails

  17. I finished reading this amazing book today and I feel numb. This book has changed my perspective about prisons and has made me question the treatment given to the inmates in so many ways. The fact that the children are also kept in prisons who grow up in a gloomy environment, losing their childhood and innocence is really heartbreaking. The comparison made by Dr. Vartika Nanda in this book between jails in today’s world and jails during freedom struggle was an eye opener for me. I am really inspired by this book and want to help these children and other inmates. I really appreciate Dr. Vartika Nanda for bringing up prison reforms in India and touching so many lives in a positive manner through her unique prison reforms movement- Tinka Tinka.. This is a must buy book. Interestingly, the read took me to Tinka Tinka Jail Radio Podcasts, which I later learnt are the only podcasts in India dedicated to prison reforms. I could relate to the number of stories narrated in these podcasts. I feel such endeavours must come in public light and duly acknowledged.

    Clearly, the prison reformer and media educator Vartika Nanda has made all the efforts to make this book one of its kind of indian prisons. Colors in the book also added to my surprise. I never imagined prison could be treated in this creative manner. #vartikananda #tinkatinka #prisonreform #jaillife #childreninjails

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