TTIA 2017

Tinka Tinka India Awards: 2017: Tihar Prison Complex: New Delhi

Year: III


Tinka Tinka India Awards for the year 2017 were released in Central Jail No. 1, Tihar by Ajay Kashyap (IPS), Director General, Delhi Prisons on December 9., 2017 The ceremony was attended by the inmates of Tihar Jail. Program was moderated by Mahmood Farooqui, Director, Peepli Live and also a former inmate of Tihar. 

This year, maximum entries for the Awards came from 6 states- Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Telegana, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. The video film of the award ceremony was shot and edited by two inmates of Jail No. 1 at Tihar Jail. This year, the awards were given in the categories of Painting, Special Talent and Prison Reforms.There were total of 11 Awardees.

The program included a live performance of the song Tinka Tinka Tihar dedicated to the inmates of Tihar Jail. This song is written by Vartika Nanda and was released by Speaker, Lok Sabha, Smt. Sumitra Mahajan in Parliament House Chamber in 2015.

Prizes for Painting:
  • Baish Singh Sahu (73), lodged in Bilaspur Jail, Chhattisgarh, received the first prize for his painting based on the theme of ‘Reformation inside Jails’.
  • Mamta (22), lodged in Bilaspur Jail, Chhattisgarh, received the second prize for her painting based on the theme of ‘Hope Inside Prison’.
  • Pendurthi Gowresh (22), lodged in Telangana Jail, received the third prize. Before imprisonment, he had been working as a photographer.
 Prizes for Special Talent:
  • Vinay Kumar, lodged in Tihar Central Jail, received the first prize for his passionate work in theatre on ‘Drug Eradication’. He has been imprisoned for the last 15 years.
  • Dhawal Kumar Harish Chandra Dwivedi from Gujarat, and Aneesh Kumar from Kerala, received the prize for their work on improving literacy and cleanliness respectively.
  • Soni Lama from West Bengal received the prize for her work on looking after the inmates in the jail hospital.
  • Virendra Vitthalbhai Vaishnav (46), a former journalist and cartoonist  and a former Tinka India Special Talent awardee lodged in Surat Jail Gujarat, was selected for his book “Life Behind Bars published by a UK based publisher in January 2017.
Prizes for Prison Reforms:

Fifteen Jail Officers were selected for the Tinka India Prison Reforms Prize in 2017.

  • Akula Narasimha from Telangana was selected for improving sanitation in jails and bringing in modernisation.
  • S S Tigga from Chhattisgarsh was selected for adding more than 2000 books to the jail library.
  • Bachu Saidaiah from Telangana was selected for planting more than 2000 saplings in the jail vicinity.
  • Ajay Bhatia, Neetu Chugh and Rajendra Kumar were selected for their contributions in providing legal aid to the inmates of Tihar Central Prison.
  • Thomas O J from Kerala; D M Gohel from Gujarat; Vikrant Karbhari Kute and Tejashri Baji Rao Powar from Maharashtra; Mohammad Akram Khan from Uttar Pradesh and; Dilip Nayak, Devendra Kumar Saras, Ramanand Patel and Dhirendra Singh Baghel from Madhya Pradesh were honoured for their extraordinary service as jail administrators.
Media Coverage:
  • 2018, January 5: HT City: An elaborate feature under the title “Lighting up the darkOne prison at a time”.
  • 2017, December 10: Doordarshan, Aaj Tak, and ABP News carried features on the Awards.
  • 2017, December: Tihar Jail released the video film of the awards on its website. The film was made by two inmates of Tihar Jail of whom, one had worked as a graphic artist with Outlook before the imprisonment.
  • 2017, DecemberShakti Times, a monthly journal published by the inmates of Tihar Jail, featured a cover story on the Tinka Tinka Award Ceremony held in Tihar Jail. December issue in the year 2017 focussed on these national awards given by Ajay Kashyap (IPS) DG, Tihar, in the jail premises.

Event Info Video Clip - Awards 2017

Print Media Coverage

7 thoughts on “TTIA 2017

  1. Tinka India Awards 2017 was released in Jail No. 1, Tihar Central Jail, New Delhi, by Ajay Kashyap (IPS), Director General, Tihar Central Jail, on December 9.
    Tinka Tinka is constantly working with the thought of reforming the inmates and giving them a better life and inspiring people who are on the wrong path to change and make a better life. This program also included a live performance of the song Tinka Tinka Tihar dedicated to the inmates of Tihar Jail. This thought is not very common and Vartika Nanda is living that thought and by her books, she is trying to reach our minds.
    #tinkatinka #humanrights #vartikananda

  2. Awards for inmates is a unique idea in itself. Read about some of the awardees and saw the categories too. This is a very promising idea in itself. Hope this will go a long way.
    Tinka Tinka has come up with initiatives that seek to work on prison reforms, the three books it has come up with are about the lives of prison inmates by prison inmates and each of the books is unique and different from the other. We as a society want to witness change in the prison inmates as soon as they are released and encouraging their creativity and talents can form a firm ground for the same positive change we wish to see. #vartikananda #tinkatinka #prison #jail.

  3. Salute to Dr. Vartika Nanda for her distinguished contributions towards these inmates. She is a crusader on prison reforms and the first Indian to have started a continuous project solely on prison reforms. Being the founder she brings a ray of light full of hopes in the lives of inmates. Her distinguished contribution in the field of humans rights and prison reforms brings a change in the perspective of the outside world. She is credited to have curated and created the concept of awards for inmates and prison staff for the first time in India. Two awards exclusively for inmates – Tinka Tinka India Awards and Tinka Tinka Bandini Awards have been instituted by her as part of the effort. These are one of the unique awards and motivates them to
    pursue their passion. In this critical situation prisoners has been helping hands of our nation. They have prepared masks, sanitizers, face shield, PPE kits and gown for the COVID-19 warriors. We honour their participation.

  4. Everything about these awards,from being organised to honor the talents and works of jail inmates to being moderated by Mahmood Farooqui,a former inmate of Tihar is so very unique. Before being acquainted with the works of Tinka Tinka Prison Reforms Movement, i never would’ve imagined, even in my wildest thoughts that the inmates of jails too could possess such exceptional talent. Ranging from art works and paintings to work contributing towards literacy and cleanliness, and book releases, these awards have showcased how much talent and skill lies behind the walls of a jail and how, if give the right opportunity and motivation, they will flourish like the talents of any other person outside a jail.
    #vartikananda #tinkatinka #prisonreforms #jailsofinida #jails

  5. The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more. Inmates exhibiting profound creative talents and administrators doing extraordinary work in prisons have been awarded with Special Awards by Tinka Tinka. These are national awards and the first of its kind recognising the good work done by both jail staff and inmates. I believe nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm and appreciation and this commendable initiative taken by Dr.VartikaNanda to encourage inmates to exhibit their creativity, highlighting the issues of jail reforms and human rights, signifies her great contribution to the reformation of Jails in India. Her efforts to recognise and appreciate these prisoners are admirable and praiseworthy.

    #Tinkatinka #Vartikananda #Prison #Jails

  6. Through the ceremonial start, and the media coverage, these award ceremonies feel more like normal ceremonies, which helped the inmates in having a ray of hope on further re-integrating with the society, if you ask me. The Tinka Tinka Awards which are given annually is a great start to not only encouraging the inmates and jail staff for their creative talents, among other talents, but it also helps in furthering their interests. The awards have created a competition that reduced the idle sitting of the inmates as can be seen through the Podcast, where the inmates talk about how they work towards the initiatives created by Tinka Tinka, and some also express how much these little encouragements in the form of Awards have helped them in creating a future.
    #tinkatinka #tinkaprisonreforsm #tinkatinkaindiaawards

  7. Dr. Vartika Nanda is working tremendously hard to spread the movement for prison reforms in India. Tinka Tinka India award will give incentive to inmates to develop their talents and creativity. It is also very good to know that organizations are recognizing the hard work of prison staff and administrations. It will motivate them to do better. She has written three books Tinka Tinka Tihar, Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh, Tinka Dasna, and gives a true representation of life inside prisons. In her books, instead of sensationalizing, Dr. Vartika Nanda sensitizes readers to the harsh realities of prisons. She is shattering the dehumanized and barbaric image of those incarcerated. Through her work, she is showing that inmates are humans with talent, aspirations, and a will to improve themselves. Her newest initiative is of opening a prison radio in Haryana, she has earlier done so in Agra. Workshops were held to train inmates and to develop their talents and creativity. The work of Dr. Vartika Nanda, the founder of the movement of prison reforms in India, is a testament to the idea that rehabilitation and not punishment is the answer. The radio will also keep the inmates informed about their rights and will give them respite in these challenging times of the pandemic when the inmates cannot have any visitors.#tinkatinka #tinkamodelofprisonreforms#awards #tinkatinka #vartikananda #prisonreforms

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