आज हम बात करेंगे जिला कारागार मथुरा की, जिसकी स्थापना सन् 1870 में हुई थी, उक्त कारागार का कुल क्षेत्रफल 33.88 एकड़ तथा कारागार के अन्दर का क्षेत्रफल 13 एकड है। लगभग 17 एकड भूमि में आवासीय परिसर तथा फार्म स्थापित है। जिला कारागार मथुरा की बंदी निरुद्धी क्षमता 554 है।
कोरोना (कोविड-19) से संक्रमण के दृष्टिगत कारागार में बंदियों को बचाये रखने के लिए कारागार के मुख्य द्वारा से अन्दर बैरकों तक बंदियों को जागरुक करने/दिशा-निर्देश हेतु फ्लैक्स बोर्ड आदि लगाये गये है। कारागार के अधिकारियों/ कर्मचारियों व बंदियों को समुचित साफ-सफाई रखने के लिए साबुन व हैण्ड सेनेटाईजर की व्यवस्था की गयी है। कारागार में आने वाले प्रत्येक सामाग्री को ऊपर से सोडियम हाईपोक्लोराइड का छिडकाव कर सेनेटाईज करने के उपरान्त ही अन्दर दिया जाता है।
कारगार में बंदियों द्वारा मास्क बनाये जाने का कार्य भी वर्तमान में चल रहा है। जिला कारागार मथुरा में अब तक कुल 11725 मास्क तैयार किये जा चुके है।
Tinka Tinka has been constantly working towards prison reforms and in since last few years they have really managed to bring a lot of stories to the common people. The reforms done by Tinka Tinka are something very less people know about and even very few people have attempted it. The stories about prison inmates from Tinka Tinka book series Tinka Tinka Tihar, Tinka Tinka Dasna and Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh has its own feel. #tinkatinka #vartikananda #jail
It is a time of difficulty for everyone and the prisons of the country have shown their tremendous support and immense power in helpi6in whichever way they can. All of the prisons are following the important rules given by health ministry. They are also enduring that the virus doesn’t spread in the jails. The prisons are becoming stronger due to the reforms introduced by tinka tinka.
#tinkatinka #vartikananda #prison #jail #coronavirus
When someone goes into jail people just starting judging and give them label they are never going to change but it’s not the case with most of it. We need to understand their stories, their reasons behind it, and try to change. Tinka Tinka & Vartika Nanda is constantly working to reform people for their betterment and trying to collect stories and experience to help others so past won’t be repeated. These inmates are working for the betterment of the country. Their hard work is contributing to this pandemic, plus they have donated the money for the needy people.
#tinkatinka #vartikananda
When someone goes into jail people just starting judging and give them label they are never going to change but it’s not the case with most of it. Tinka Tinka & Vartika Nanda is constantly working to reform people for their betterment and trying to collect stories and experience to help others so past won’t be repeated. These inmates are working for the betterment of the country. Their hard work is contributing to this pandemic, plus they have donated the money for the needy people.
#tinkatinka #vartikananda
Tinka Tinka’s commendable initiative of telling one story at a time emerging from a jail brings us yet another beautiful story of hard work done by the inmates of Zips Karsgaar, Mathura , who have prepared more than 100 PPE Kits and more than 12,000 face masks. Their contribution during the these times of the global pandemic, the novel coronavirus is laudable.
#Tinkatinka #Vartikananda #Prison #Jails