Corona Jail Diary: देश की सभी जेलों को सलाम

जेल खाली हुई हैं। कोरोना की वजह से कई बंदी शर्त पर छूट गए, कुछ पैरोल पर गए। जो जेल में हैं, उनके हाथ पहले से ज्यादा उदासी और चिंताएं हैं। । अब न कोई चिट्ठी आती है, न कोई मिलने। टेलीफोन इकलौता सहारा हैं। भीगी आंखें लिए कई बंदी इस समय में उनकी मदद में जुटे हैं जिन्हें न उनकी पहचान पता है, न नाम। वे मास्क बना रहे हैं। सेनिटाइजर भी। अपने हिस्से की रोटी दान कर रहे हैं। अपनी कड़ी मेहनत का पैसा भी। जेल में बंद यह लोग उन हजारों लोगों से बेहतर हैं जिनके दान की तस्वीरें नुमाइश का हिस्सा नहीं हैं। तिनकों की यात्राएं एकला ही होती हैं लेकिन जेल में लिखी जा रही इबारतों को कभी न कभी समय पढ़़ेगा जरूर।

वर्तिका नन्दा

4 thoughts on “Corona Jail Diary: देश की सभी जेलों को सलाम

  1. Tinka Tinka has been constantly working towards prison reforms and in since last few years they have really managed to bring a lot of stories to the common people. The reforms done by Tinka Tinka is something very less people know about and even very less people have attempted it. The stories about prison inmates from Tinka Tinka book series Tinka Tinka Tihar, Tinka Tinka Dasna and Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh has its own feel. #tinkatinka #vartikananda #jail

  2. Tinka Tinka is constantly working with the thought of reforming the inmates and giving them a better life and inspiring people who are on the wrong path to change and make a better life. This thought is not very common and Vartika Nanda is living that thought and by her books, she is trying to reach our minds. Definitely, we need to read the books and show some support.

    #tinkatinka #humanrights #vartikananda

  3. Salute to all the jails of India. Prisoners are now on Parole Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
    Many of the captives have missed out on conditions because of Corona. Those who is in jail they have got their hands higher than before. Now no letter comes or there is only one telephone support. Right now they are engaged in the help of outside world at this time, who have no identity. They work harder or even over time for the preparation of face masks, donating even a portion of their meal. Captured with the money of their hard work, this people is better than those thousand people whose pictures of charity are not like that.
    #tinkatinka #vartikananda #prisonreform #jailmovement #jail

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