Corona Jail Diary: Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh

1887 में ब्रिटिश शासन मे बने जिला कारागार पीलीभीत में बंदियों की क्षमता 602 है लेकिन इस समय यहां पर 843 बंदी निरुद्ध है।

पूरे देश में कोरोना वायरस के संक्रमण को देखते हुए जिला कारागार पीलीभीत मे मास्क बनाने की आवश्यकता पड़ी ।चूँकि जिला कारागार पीलीभीत में जगह की कमी की वजह से पहले से कोई भी उद्योग स्थापित नहीं है, इसलिए यहां काम को नए सिरे से शुरू किया गया।

जेल अधीक्षक श्री अनूप सिंह तथा डिप्टी जेलर श्री विक्रम सिंह यादव ने जेल में सिलाई मशीन 05 नग, कैंची, ध।गा काटने का कटर, मास्क बनाने का कपड़ा कारागार पर उपलब्ध कराया ।

इसके बाद कारागार में सिलाई करने वाले बंदियों की तलाश की गई और मास्क बनवाने का काम शुरू किया गया ।प्रतिदिन लगभग 800 मास्क तैयार किए गए

अब तक इस कारागार में 20,000 मास्क तैयार किए जा चुके हैं । इऩ्हें कारागार में निरुद्ध बंदियों स्टाफ जनपद न्यायालयों तथा पुलिस प्रशासन जिला प्रशासन व आम जनता में बांटा गया है। इसके आलावा जेल में सेनेट।ईजर भी तैयार किया गया जिसमें अल्कोहल की मात्रा 10 प्रतिशत है।

डिप्टी जेलर श्री विक्रम सिंह यादव ने इस बीच यहां एक बंदी कलाकार की खोज कर डाली है। यहां के एक बंदी अनुपम त्रिवेदी ने कई प्रकार की पेंटिंग तैयार की गई एवं आर्ट गैलरी तैयार की है। अनुपम त्रिवेदी ने अपनी तस्वीरों के जरिए कोरोना पर जागरूकता लाने की कोशिश की है।

District jail of Pilibhit, built during the British era in the year 1887, has the capacity of 602 prison inmates. Presently, 843 inmates are housed in this jail. In the current COVID-19 viral outbreak, it was necessary to make masks. Due to lack of space, there is an absence of small scale industry in the jail. This led to the task of making masks being taken up afresh.

Sewing machines, scissors, thread cutter and cloth were made available by the jail Superintendent, Shri Anup Singh and Deputy Jailor Shri Vikram Singh Yadav. Approximately 800 masks are being made on a daily basis.

Meanwhile, Deputy Jailor, Shri Vikram Singh Yadav has identified an artist in jail. Inmate, Anupam Trived,is trying to spread awareness on Corona through his paintings.

4 thoughts on “Corona Jail Diary: Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh

  1. good initiative by the inmates of pilibhit and they already made more than 2000 mask and also made sanitizer and every day making more than 800 mask inspirational work done by the prisoners and thankyou tinka for such positive news

  2. The inmates of Pilibhit have been contributing their bit by making masks. The inmate, Anupam Trivedi has made paintings and prepared an art gallery, his work is focused on creating awareness on the COVID-19 situation. Encouragement can do wonders, and so it has! #vartikananda #tinkatinka #jail #prison

  3. Tinka Tinka has been constantly working towards prison reforms and in since last few years they have really managed to bring a lot of stories to the common people. The reforms done by Tinka Tinka is something very less people know about and even very less people have attempted it. The stories about prison inmates from Tinka Tinka book series Tinka Tinka Tihar, Tinka Tinka Dasna and Tinka Tinka Madhya Pradesh has its own feel. #tinkatinka #vartikananda #jail

  4. We should appreciate a person like Anupam Triwedi. Being imprisoned he used this time in the learning process as well for the good of the detainees. He decided to paint and through his paintings he aware people for corona’s pro and cons. At this time he started an art gallery. In this difficult time, Anupam Trivedi made paintings of COVID-19 protection to make people aware and today he has made so many paintings. With which a gallery has been prepared. We salute his spirit and we are inspired by it.
    Like other jails Pilibhit Jail started the process of making masks. The captives here make 800 per day and so far they have prepared 20,000 masks. Sanitizer is also made here containing 10% alcohol content.

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